I contacted Andre because a friend at work was raving about how much he'd helped her lose a few stubborn kilos. I had been quite overweight for a while - the kilos had crept up and I was blaming middle age, the stresses of life and work, and no amount of beating myself at the gym was helping. I was beginning to give up, but I didn't want to because I have always been active - I love hiking and even running. I didn't want to be the chubby kid trailing at the back all the time, out of breath.

So I started with Andre. His nutritional advice made sense. I tracked what I ate and soon got into a pattern where I was eating completely unprocessed food, cutting out all added sugars and suddenly I realised I wasn't hungry all the time. Plus dropping kilos! I was fueling my body well and I felt great. I no longer felt the late afternoon slump, where I would eat sugar to boost my energy and almost always made poor choices.

The weekly sessions with Andre were educative; we covered a range of topics that helped me understand how important sleep was, how to exercise sensibly without raising my stress levels and how to carve out the time to focus on me and my health. I can't over-emphasise how significant it has been to me to learn how to focus on getting enough high quality sleep - literally life-changing.

Andre was continually understanding and supportive, and helped me to think for myself and trust that I can make the right choices. I was most afraid that I would not be able to maintain my health journey and the weight that I have lost without Andre, but he help me 'wean' myself off him, moving to fortnightly and then monthly sessions.

Now I know that he's there if I need him at the end of the phone, text or whatever. I'm off hiking this weekend - stronger knees, moving more easily and feeling great. I have lost over 20 kg and I owe it to Andre's calm and sensible belief in me.




Yasmine on a hike before we started work together. Look at the amazing difference. Working together has really changed her life.


Yasmine after working with me and making her amazing healthy life transformation. At the time of these photos she had lost over 20kgs which is over 20% of her body weight.

I have loved working with Andre. I lost 8kg in 10 weeks and felt so well supported the whole time. I feel amazing, not just because I have lost the weight and look better but also having reduced my sugar and gluten, I feel less bloated, my skin is clearer and my osteoarthritis pain in my knees (my main motivation for the weight loss) has decreased considerably.

I have been on many diets over the years and this did not feel like a diet. Whilst I do use intermittent as a weight management tool weekly, I didn’t feel like this was stressful or hard to do. With Andre’s support I have made some food choice lifestyle changes that will continue indefinitely.

Checking in with Andre each week helped keep me focussed and I really liked the way he gently steered me in the right direction by asking me questions on what I might need to change or adjust to reach my goals. So, from this perspective, I felt like the weight loss strategies we developed were specifically tailored to suit my needs and for that reason will be sustainable.

Justine Kiely-Scott


I came from a high level (elite amateur) cycling background, but with 2 new babies arriving within 11 months of each other my training was significantly reduced and eating habits slipped into whatever was quick and easy.
I got used to waking up every morning feeling sore and fatigued, then having that fatigue sit with me all day. I assumed it was just due to the tiredness that comes with being a new parent.

I finally woke up one morning with a sense that it was my diet that was causing the problems. I was introduced to Andre and, whilst weight loss was my primary goal (I ended up going from 82kg to 73kg in 13 weeks) the major benefit was the knowledge acquired around diet which sent my energy levels through the roof and kept them at a high level all day with no post meal crashes, my body felt great (no more inflammation) and I have now built a knowledge base and set of skills which will remain with me for good.

Andrew Doyle


I first met Andre around 15 years when we were both working for the same company.  I watched Andre continue to be successful in the corporate world and then move across to follow his passion in the health and fitness industry. Upon relocating to Singapore, I contacted Andre to help me get back on track to my usual healthy fit self. We designed a realistic program that fitted into my lifestyle to get back to my best .

The most important thing in our relationship was trust and support he provided. We would connect all the time and even though I was in Singapore and Andre was in Melbourne it worked perfectly. I am well and truly back on track and this is all down to Andre!

Adrian West


Besides being a royal pain in the ass, Andre is an excellent triathlon coach!

All kidding aside, Andre has an incredible way of both motivating me to keep up with the training plan while holding me accountable to doing what I say I will do. He has extremely deep knowledge around assembling the right training plan to meet my current level of fitness and adjusts week to week based on my performance. His attention to detail is extraordinary and our weekly calls are fun, informative and motivating. Plus, you’ll get a huge benefit out of following his supplement regimen and talking about overall health and nutrition.

I’m training for Ironman Canada, though not likely to happen this year given the Covid crisis, and feel confident that Andre will ultimately get me through my first Iron distance race. He has become an integral part of my life and couldn’t achieve the level of fitness I have without him.

Bob Thordarson
Seattle USA

I started working with Andre in February 2020 after hearing him on a Podcast. Straight away many of the topics Andre discussed resonated with me. During our first meeting he challenged many of my traditional beliefs about diet and exercise. I was an avid runner and was looking for overall improvement in my results which had stagnated over the past year or so. After we discussed my immediate goals Andre took a holistic approach, diet, training, lifestyle, and family. We agreed to tackle my diet first, although I was not what you would consider overweight, I was carrying excess fat and I was seriously addicted to Carbs like a lot of runners are! Andre mapped out an 8-week program for me to shed 5 kilos, I must say it was a resounding success, after 6 weeks I had reached my goal. Since I started the program and applying its principles, I have lost close to 9kgs and 8% body fat. I weigh less now than I did when I was in my 20’s.

The second part of my journey has been around the way I approach my running, I was in a rut, training hard, probably too hard, and not getting the results I thought I should have. Again, Andre challenged my thinking on training and process. Over the last 2 months Andre has been working with me to adapt to MAF training. Being an older runner, it has been a welcome transition. While it has taken the same dedication the stress on my body is much less. I have seen continued improvement over the last few weeks. My pace at my MAF heartrate continues to fall. I am excited for what this will deliver over the longer term. My goal is to continue to run well into 60’s and 70’s.

I would highly recommend Andre as coach, he will tell you straight, no sugar coating. He will challenge your beliefs and work with you to deliver results.

Michael Faure
56 Year Old Runner

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